discreet counselling service
Ginette Lenham
Discreet Confidential Counselling Services

If you need someone to talk to about the challenging things going on in your life,
we create a safe place to do this where confidentiality is ensured.

long term weight management
Ginette Lenham

“My commitment to creating a non-punitive and pleasurable approach to weight management grew out of having a child who was diagnosed with a life threatening illness where weight loss was urgent and necessary. The mixed messages and emotional rollercoaster around food and weight management were profound and confusing. I have since devoted my studies, research and practice to approaching weight management from a hopeful and supportive perspective, determined that it need not be restrictive, punishing or alienating at a time when one is most vulnerable.”


behavoural Change
Behavioural Change

Do you need help managing your Self Esteem and Confidence?

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My name is Ginette Lenham and I on behalf of When Weight Matters would like to acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people’s of Australia. I acknowledge their elders both past and present and all Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples across the country. I believe that together we can all play our part in Closing the Gap, especially the health gap for a positive healthy Australia.”

Listen to Ginette's Healthy Living Interview


Counselling and Psychotherapy Services.

If you need someone to talk to about the challenging things going on in your life, we create a safe place to do this where confidentiality is ensured.

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Weight Management Counselling

Failure to sustain weight loss is not a matter of going on or off diets, nor is it due to a lack of will power.

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Coaching Services

Failure to sustain weight loss is not a matter of going on or off diets, nor is it due to a lack of will power.

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Now Offering Zoom Sessions, Face Time and Skype sessions?

Need help but would rather do it from the comfort of your own home?

Well now you can. 

Call me on 0418 481 112 or email  info@whenweightmatters.com.au and we can organise a session today.
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About When Weight Matters

When Weight Matters is a well established Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy practice that also specialises in the emotional, psychological, behavioural, physical and medical, aspects of weight management.

It is founded on a multi-disciplined approach combining cutting edge scientific research, dietary guidelines and interpersonal counselling.

The founder and facilitator Ginette Lenham is an advisor on a major task force working on reversing the trend of obesity in Australia, and works with many leading practitioners to create the best out comes for their patients in health and wellbeing. She is often asked to speak in the media on current dietary fads, emotional eating and management of illness related to weight.

Why Weight Matters

There are many reasons why weight matters.

There are many assumptions and a lot of false information circulating within society about people who live with excess weight. The stigma and judgment aimed at people struggling with their weight, that is prevalent in our society, causes a lot of shame and grief for many people, and can make the weight management process even more fraught and complicated.

We know now that excess body weight and obesity is caused by a very complex interplay between genetic, environmental behavioural and social factors.

It is absolutely not a case of a moral failing or laziness.


Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy Services

Weight Management  Counselling

Counselling and Psychotherapy

PCOS Counselling

Pre-Diabetes Counselling

Weight Gain Counselling

Socialising Counselling

Gestational Diabetes Counselling

Fertility Counselling

Emotional Eating Counselling

Insulin Resistance Counselling

Diabetes Counselling

Exercise Counselling

Low Energy Levels Counselling

High Cholesterol Counselling

Individual & Family Counselling

Coaching & Practical Help

Lets Connect

Contact Me

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Zoom, Skype and Facetime Sessions available now.

M: 0418 481 112
E: info@whenweightmatters.com.au  
I: https://www.instagram.com/ginette_letshaveachat