discreet counselling service
Ginette Lenham
Discreet Confidential Counselling Services

If you need someone to talk to about the challenging things going on in your life,
we create a safe place to do this where confidentiality is ensured.

long term weight management
Ginette Lenham

“My commitment to creating a non-punitive and pleasurable approach to weight management grew out of having a child who was diagnosed with a life threatening illness where weight loss was urgent and necessary. The mixed messages and emotional rollercoaster around food and weight management were profound and confusing. I have since devoted my studies, research and practice to approaching weight management from a hopeful and supportive perspective, determined that it need not be restrictive, punishing or alienating at a time when one is most vulnerable.”


behavoural Change
Behavioural Change

Do you need help managing your Self Esteem and Confidence?

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Contact Me

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Zoom, Skype and Facetime Sessions available now.

M: 0418 481 112
E: info@whenweightmatters.com.au  
I: https://www.instagram.com/ginette_letshaveachat