

Having difficulties conceiving can be absolutely devastating for many couples and can leave you feeling exhausted, empty, teary frightened and very sad. PCOS can be a cause of infertility. This can be a double whammy as you may be dealing with a new diagnosis of PCOS which might be affecting your ability to conceive.

We work very closely with your specialist to be cooperating on all levels to ensure your emotional wellbeing and nutritional needs are being taken care of in this most vulnerable of times. Sometimes the medications can make you feel very unwell and out of sorts emotionally and special care is important so that you have support during this time. Trying to conceive can keep you suspended on a roller coaster of hope and disappointment month after month and this can take its toll.

It is important to let your practitioner know how this is impacting on you so we can help you. Occasionally sometimes a mere weight loss or gain of between 5 to 10% can make a difference to enabling conception. We can provide you the knowledge and options for how to achieve this with out compromising on nutrition in any way.

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M: 0418 481 112