When Weight Matters Blog

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As I was walking around the city today a thought I've long had, started to become more concrete. It is to do with the muddled messages both internally and externally that are wrapped up in weight loss. Just for a second, take a look around and notice how everyone is absolutely unique except for of course identical twins. Think for example of your h...

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  2456 Hits

Does Weight Matter?


When I created my practice "When Weight Matters" I was thinking about the gulf between movements that claim our weight shouldn't' matter at all and movements that believe managing what is considered a healthy weight is essential. In between these two stances are many other factors.On the one hand focusing on body weight is fraught with the entangle...

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  2640 Hits



In the weight loss world there is a relentless dialogue about what one should eat, what one shouldn't eat, when one should eat ,when one shouldn't eat, what type of exercise is best, we don't do enough exercise, maybe too much exercise is not good either and endless variations of the above should's and shouldn'ts. This is an example of the external...

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  2529 Hits

learning to trust your gut instinct when it comes to hunger


As a counsellor working in this field I do understand that eating is not always physically driven and their are many emotional reasons one might overeat. Comfort, loneliness, boredom, fatigue and habit, are among many of the reasons one may overeat. I am in no way meaning to be dismissive of these very profound and complicated drivers of non hungry...

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  2558 Hits

Kick The Weight Loss Goals (The Downside Of Goal Setting)


Kick the weight loss goals (the down side of goal setting) Most weight loss programs are based around setting goals, achieving goals and reaching goals. I am not so sure this always a good idea. It works really well for some people and that is fantastic, for them. It works and helps them. But for many others it is just another thing that adds to fe...

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  2405 Hits



I would like to share with you a thought thats been building for many years now. Not only is this a thought but it is a rewrite of an age old saying. "You are NOT what you eat". Its even confronting putting this in print as I accept this is a challenging and indeed perhaps confronting notion. I don't dispute for one second that good quality food an...

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  2287 Hits

The science of weight loss


 Courses running throughout 2014 at Sydney University Continuing Education Center. http://cce.sydney.edu.au/course/WLSS I've been working in the field of weight management for a long time now and one thing that never ceases to amaze me is just how apparently simple and yet how incredibly complicated weight management is. I suppose if it were t...

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  2364 Hits

Guilt Free Food?


I've noticed that more and more food and recipes are being sold and promoted as "guilt free". What does this mean? There is an assumption that we will do something wrong if we eat something not labeled "guilt free". That somehow we should feel shame, we should self-flagellate, confess, apologize, promise we wont do it again. Guilt is is a painful e...

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  2906 Hits

Losing Weight Is Not Just About The Numbers


Having worked in the field of weight management for nearly ten years I have observed that many people when wanting to lose weight have a number in their mind of how many kilos they would like to lose or what number of kilos they would like to be, or they feel they ought to be. They start out with some major expectation of what they are going to do ...

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  2177 Hits

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M: 0418 481 112
E: info@whenweightmatters.com.au  
I: https://www.instagram.com/ginette_letshaveachat